
Come rain or shine we will meet, the place, in the Hall, there to see the models and take the Quiz…

We had a reduced showing of members tonight, due to illness, holidays and clashes with dates, but for those of us who turned up we had a spattering of models to look at…

A few WIPs

But the main event was our Quiz night created by Colin W  but hosted in his absence by Richard C.
There were four categories Military, Naval, Air & Modelling. Our members brains were pushed to the max with some of the questions:
* Who was the founder of Airfix?
We had three worthy winners, in third place with 29 points was Don, in second place with 30 points was Richard L & the winner with 33 points was Dave B.

Well done to everyone for partaking in the quiz and to Colin W for organising it.

See you at the Tank Museum on Saturday 10th Sept for their South West Model Show