Memorial Shield

Each Year IPMS SALISBURY hosts it’s own in house Model Contest in memory of past members.
NB: We have changed the rules reference entering the competition (as per AGM in 2017) before you had to wait five years from the year you won the competition to re-enter, this is now down to three years.

It was felt that it would encourage more people to enter and have at least three previous winners to judge the current competition.

   Roll of Honour:     
   2007 Brian Rose    
   2008 Roger Doswell    
   2009 Pete Smith    
   2010 Brian Stoddart    
   2011 Bill Allen    
   2012 Tony Cooke    
   2013 Richard Clarke    
   2014 Mick Myers    
   2015 Brian Rose     
   2016 Tony Horton    
   2017 Nick Williamson   Gallery
   2018 Phil Loughlin   Gallery
   2019 Paul Capon   Gallery
  2020 Competition was not held this year    
  2021 Colin Whitehouse    
  2022 Mick Ellis    
  2023 Declan Sibley    
  2024 Phil Loughlin