21st Sept Club Night 2021
We have three model shows coming up in October, Abingdon on the 2nd, REME on the 15th & Yeovil on the 16th, with the amount of new models appearing at each meeting we will have plenty of new models to display.
Of course we are gearing up for the Nationals at Telford on the 13th & 14th of November, but a few things to pass before then, we have our annual in house model competition on 19th October & our AGM on November 2nd.
Last night’s turn out was again very encouraging for us as a group and the hobby, we havent lost our collective mojo, with over twenty members in attendance, we had plenty to talk about and to feast eyes on..
Work In Progress Builds..
Finished models… Looking forward to Abingdon on the 2nd Oct, see you there….