
Happy Christmas – it’s that time of the year for our annual Xmas meal, time to sit down and chew the cud, figuratively. Talking and eating the order of the day.

Sixteen members met at Sibo’s for a pre meal shopping spree, thanks Sibo for opening up and being a great host and heartfelt sympathy for the incident that happen earlier on in the day.

After a bit of shopping we made our way up the street to Everest, it was a bit of a climb up the restaurant stairs to our dedicated eating area.

We all had a complimentary drink and nibbles, very welcome indeed.
Crackers were cracked, party hats on.
Richard and Paul got into the Xmas spirit with their christmas attire.

Excellent food and company, a great time was had by all. Thanks to Ray for organising the meal.

Out next and final meeting of 2019 will on 17th Dec for a Quiz night….