15th Dec Virtual Club Night 2020

And so here it is Merry Christmas everybody’s having fun, look to the future now, it’s only just begun.” Well that’s how the song goes.

Well here we are at the end of another year, one like no other. Despite the lockdowns, the restrictions etc, we have managed to continue as a club. It has been a delight to meet up via Zoom every first and third Tuesday of the month to have a catch up and see what our members are doing.

We have a thriving FaceBook group page were members post their finished models, so with the Zoom meetings, FaceBook page, Newsletters & emails, we have managed to stay in touch with our membership.

Here is our last show & tell videos for 2020, let’s hope we can do this in person next year:

BOB’s Models COLIN’s Models
COLIN W’s Models OZ’s Models
MALCOLM’s Models STEVE’s Models
TONY’s Models MIKE’s Models
RICHARD’s Models  

It only leaves me to wish you all a very Merry and safe Christmas and we look forward to seeing you at a model show next year.

All the very best from everyone at IPMS Salisbury.