21st May Club Night/Memorial Shield 2024

We held a minute silence to say a fond farewell to Bill Allen who sadly passed away last week. He was one of the founding members of the club and pushed for the club to join IPMS.
He will be sadly missed.
It is a only a few days to go until our annual model show on the 1st June, 9 days at the time of writing this post.
Everything is going well in the capable hands of our show organiser Chris M.
There were a few models, WIPs & purchases on display..
The main event was our annual Memorial Shield Competition.A small but high quality selection of models on display covering all genres of model making.
The judging was carried out by previous winners of the shield.In 3rd place was Richard C with his 1/24 Scale Ford Motor Sport diorama
In 2nd place was Dave B with his 1/72 scale Airfix AVRO504K G-EBIZ
1st place was Phil L with his HMS Hood – a worthy winner.
We hope to see you at our Model Show on 1st June at Wyvern & St Edmund’s Sports Hall.