1st Nov AGM Club Night 2022

Another year draws to a close and with it the end of a nine year rein….
Our Chairman for the last nine years Richard C has stepped down so has our Hon Sec Mike H, we thank them for their service to the club.
We have a new committee, Colin W takes over as Chairman, Colin C & Chris M share the Hon Sec duties, also Chris M has taken over from Tony H who steps down as Model Show Organiser (thank you Tony for all your work over the previous IPMS Salisbury Model Shows), and Sibo takes over as Newsletter editor.
Our A4 Group Build finished last night, we had a wide selection of themes, well done to everyone who took part, some finished and some did not manage it, but some cracking models on display nonetheless.
A few WIPs and some new purchases… Some of our members are off to Telford this weekend for the IPMS National Show, looking forward to see what they bring back and hearing all about the show.Our next local models show will be at Middle Wallop on 27th Nov – See you there.