5th March Club Night 2024

You’ve got me a spin baby, you turn me right round, right round..
On the 29th of February some of the club members met up in Chard, Somerset to visit the Historic Helicopter Collection. Club Chairman Colin, Sibo, Tony H, Don and Tony L were shown around by Kevin, one of the staff at the site that is shared by an equestrian stables. It was interesting and we were able to get some detailed photographs of the Wessex and numerous Sea Kings in the collection.
The models under construction were thin on the table this week.
Nick W has 2 Sea Harriers on the go, he brought along the FA2 version tonight, Mike H had yet another Meteor variant, this on the TT Mk20 by Special Hobby.
Mick Ellis continues with his wooden submarine which he had on show, but also a new large carrier from Trumpeter.
Chris S works on a Stug, as well as having Bob present one to him for his Arnhem themed kits.
The evening was finished off with a talk by Brian R on the Merkava Main Battle Tank illustrated with his collection of models, 12 in total were on display.
Our next meeting will on 19th March and the Theme is Helicopters.