6th Feb Club Night 2024

“Water water everywhere and not enough to drink”. It can float on, hover over, swim under either on/in the sea or rivers & lakes
The following blog and images provided, with grateful thanks by Sibo.
Finish builds were plentiful.
Mick Ellis had 2 bright yellow early war US Navy aircraft, an F4 and F2. Chris Southwood completed his dramatic large scale US Airbourne figure and a 1/35 German 8 wheeler.
Phil had another tiny ship, HMS Kelly displayed nicely. Peter Weston brought along his 1/48 Revell Wessex HAS mk3 in bright yellow and blue. Bob once again completed a number of models since last club meeting here are his Eduard me110, a 1/48 AH64, a Japanese Kai Toryu, BSA motorbike & an Me110. The club chairman had a few 1/48 aircraft too, a Pucara alongside 2 Harrier types.
Works in progress from Andy with a 1/24 Bentley to be weathered and some Gerry Anderson vehicles. Brian Rose with the Tamiya F35 and Mick Ellis working on a wooden submarine. John S did some building, along with his son they tackled the Meng Panther. Don brought along an unusual find that he found still on sale in a proper bricks and mortar shop. A original Verlinden 120mm figure.
The evening was rounded off with a discussion on this years Club Group Build, and after a lively round of ideas it was decided that this year’s build will be called:“Floaters”. So over the next 8 months members will build anything that floats on or just under the surface of the sea (or freshwater equivalent). Float planes and flying boats are included but not anything that just passes over the sea. So that’s Yes to a Walrus but No to a FRS1.
Yes to a DD Sherman but No to a Calliope Sherman, a hovercraft is Yes, an Apache AH64 is a No – you get it I’m sure.
Enjoy! Looking forward to what the club members come up with over the coming months.
You will be able to see the progress of their builds on the dedicated Group Build 2024 page.